Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

It's about that time of year again. The time for lovers to come together and celebrate their unity and singles to either lament/rejoice in their single-ness. Either way you choose to celebrate it, there are options for all of you no matter what your relationship status may be. Here are a few ideas for both couples and singles to enjoy on Valentine's Day or any time of the year.

1. A nice candle-lit dinner for two. There are thousands of restaurants to please your taste buds all across the Korean peninsula. Whether you prefer pricey fine dining or a hearty and economic meal, there's the whole spread in the ROK.

Star Chef

This is a fusion restaurant with a taste for all palates. Star Chef is moderately to expensively priced, but you won't be disappointed. It may lack in the desired Valentine's private and intimate feel department, but the food will most likely put your mind past this and all other things that you may be thinking about.

Mad for Garlic

This might not be a wise idea of you have a lot of kanoodling and smooching planned on Valentine's Day (perhaps it should be filed under the "single's" category?), but I guess you always have the option to do whatever you want! It might be a bit crowded, especially because of the free table wine given to those who have to wait to be seated. Nonetheless, Mad for Garlic has the romantic lighting, wide wine selection, and moderately-priced food that are the makings for a lovely evening with enough garlic to scare off at least a dozen vampires.

2. A romantic comedy or drama might set the Valentine's Day atmosphere. Whether it's cuddling with your honey at home or sharing a bucket of popcorn and Milk Duds, a movie is a good way to spend quality time with your sweetheart. Chick flicks and romantic dramas aren't unique to the West, Korea's go its share of them too!

I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK

Directed by the infamous Park, ChanWook, I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK is a different genre than what we usually see from Mr. Park. With a surreal/fantasy twist, a romance story is born between two individuals in an unlikely setting : a mental institution. Bits of comedy here and there bring you down to earth from the somewhat serious tone of this film.

Seducing Mr. Perfect

Eye candy for the ladies embodies itself in the handsome Korean-American, Daniel Henney. He plays a handsome and emotionally detached executive who attempts to reform a sensitive and generally unlucky in love female counterpart, which ultimately ends in the demise of his bachelor state. The two fall in love outside of the workplace in an essentially cheesy and easily predicted plot.

Sleepless in Seattle

Who can forget the era of Meg Ryan at her height of "ro-co" films? She's memorable in When Harry Met Sally and one of the quintessential representatives of the chick flick film genre. Whether it's this particular film or any of her other attempts to secure her place as America's sweetheart, Meg Ryan's got it going on and deserves a place on our Valentine's "to do" list for couples!

1. Muster up the courage and treat yourself to a tasty dinner! Whether it's stuffing your face full of guiltily rich and decadent food or just enjoying a simple Korean favorite, enjoy and celebrate your time alone all without having to worry about what a significant other might want!


Where can you go wrong with same fried, fatty pork and a bottle of soju? The answer? Nothing. Samgyeopsal is an HSK favorite that can satisfy even the most picky of eaters. (Don't forget the extra side of 기름장!) Round up a group of your single friends or go it alone!

Chez Meili

A great way to stuff yourself into oblivion. Herr Meilinger specializes in Austrian traditional dishes such as wiener schnitzel and kaesespaetzle. The homemade sauerkraut will knock your socks off and the gorgonzola cream sauce pork medallions are to die for! Spend that hard earned money on a treat for yourself on this greeting card holiday!

2. Watch a violent, bloody, crime/slasher movie. Sit back with a bottle of your favorite beer or even wine and watch an evil vampire greedily drink the blood of some praying nuns in habits or a deranged psycho-killer go to town on a couple of teenage kids. Whatever your pleasure, go against the grain this Valentine's Day!


Crime and drug lords don't get any badder than Tony Montana. Al Pacino stars in yet again another organized crime movie, but this time he slaps a Cuban accent on that dirty mouth. Quotations like "Who do I trust? Me!" are unforgettable and let's not forget the glorious downfall of Mr. Montana in a Rambo style shootout as he tries to maintain what he's worked so hard (and illegally) for!

No Mercy For the Rude

Shin, HaKyun plays a dumb/mute killer who goes by the name of "Killa". He earns his wages by being a hired assassin and being a good one at that. He's got an eccentric personality that he can't seem to express in words and his obsession for bullfighting is among one of those eccentric traits. Although there's a romantic twist, there's also enough killing and storyline to keep you interested. The romance doesn't overpower you and it's definitely not enough to make you cynics out there barf!
These suggestions aren't all there are out there for this Valentine's Day. If you have suggestions, send them our way for our readers to consider!

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