Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Friday, February 12, 2010

Lunar New Year 2010 -- The year of the tiger

While many Koreans celebrate new year's day on January 1st, there is another widely celebrated time of year not far from January 1st, which allows you to benefit from another celebration. That holiday is Lunar New Year (Seollal). Because this holiday occurs according to the lunar calendar, the day on which it is celebrated is different each year. This year, it falls on Sunday February 14. The celebrations will commence on Friday evening beginning with many Koreans traveling to the hometowns of their families to spend time with them during this special period.

Typically, Seollal is a 3-day holiday for which many Koreans dress in colorful hanbok (Korean traditional dress) and make ddeokguk (rice cake soup). Some Koreans also travel to a coastal locale to see the first sunrise of the lunar new year. This is also a particularly happy time for younger Koreans as they perform the ritual Sebae. This involves them bowing to their elders and in return, the children receive money.

As in Chinese zodiac, Korean lunar new year also follows the same calendar for which each year is represented by an animal. In 2010, it will be the year of the white tiger. The predictions for this lunar year aren't particularly bright as a lot of dramatic change and intensity will occur. There will be a lot of activity happening, so it won't be a very boring year, that is for sure. On the lighter side of things, it is predicted to be a good year to seize opportunities, but very quickly as they may fade out just as quickly as they present themselves.

For a more detailed look on this year's outlook for your particular Chinese zodiac, visit this site.