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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Classroom Ideas--Lesson Plan Template (elementary)

Here's another lesson plan aimed toward younger elementary ages that deals with descriptions of people using basic adjectives in the correct English subject + verb + object order. This is a great basis for students to begin learning how to properly describe people and objects in English. To begin with, you'll start by using physically visible descriptions. More complex descriptions can be added as desired according to class level.
She's Tall

Objective : Students will learn the effectual value of adjectives to describe people (their physical features, apparel, and appearance), places and things in real life.
~ Hear adjectives that describe a person, place or thing and accurately recognize the person,
animal, place, or object being talked about in the conversation. Expression of describing the
person's appearance. (Listening)
~ Use adjectives to effectively describe a person, animal, place or thing in a conversation.
Students will ask and answer questions related to a person's appearance. (Speaking)
~ Recognize, read and apply the words associated with the body and descriptive adjectives. (big,
small, tall, short, eyes, ears, hair). (Reading)
~ Write basic words identifying body parts. (nose, mouth, face) (Writing)

Introduce physical descriptors (adjectives) by pulling one student at a time out of the class and use one adjective to describe 5-7 students depending on your class size. Write the words on the board along with the names of the students so their classmates can remember these adjectives by applying them to their classmates that they know physically.

Continue by introducing the parts of the body and play a game of Simon Says or Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes (or both if you're feeling crazy!) This will help the kids remember what body part is what in a fun way. They can also refer back to these games if they ever forget the name of a particular body part!

Communicative functions and language structures used :
Communicative structures
~ Detailed descriptions : She is tall. You have nice glasses.
~ Request details : What?
Language structures
~ He/She is _______________ . You/He/She have/has __________________ .

Vocabulary : ear, glasses, hair, long, short, singer, uncle

Ask the students to write a description of you using words they know. Then orally, have the students describe famous people (i.e. the president of Korea.) Continue with practice activities such as these adding other adjectives and descriptors if necessary.
This lesson introduces the vital skills of being able to describe a person that may be unknown to others. Emphasize the correct verb conjugation for each subject and don't hesitate to correct students orally when you do this lesson! Per usual, if you have any suggestions, let us know!