Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Great Myth and Mystery of Peruvian Korea!

From December 11th, 2009 to March 28th, 2010, a special exhibition calls the National Museum of Korea in Seoul its temporary home. The organizers of the exhibition felt proud to host this particular exhibit and to help Koreans expand their knowledge of the ancient civilization that existed approximately a thousand years ago.The exhibit takes its course among multiple rooms within the museum. It continues in mostly chronological order. Artifacts from the period include battle wear, pottery, jewelry, and the most popular relics...the mummies! The mummy portion of the exhibit includes mummified people and animals. Not for the faint of heart!Unfortunately, pictures weren't allowed. However, I got a few in at the exit with an interesting backdrop that was supposed to be a bit like those 3d paintings that you can appear to be a part of. Another downside is that not much of the exhibit is in English. There's a few captions here and there with some details in English, but not so much that it's easy to navigate and know what you're looking at. Nonetheless, the artifacts themselves are a sight to see!
To get to the National Museum of Korea in Seoul, take the subway to Ichon station (light blue line 4) and take exit 2. Continue out of exit 2 until you see signs for the museum and the museum itself on your left.

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