Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

HSK Restaurant Review : Chez Meili

The editor (me!) of this blog happens to be a German/Austrian food fanatic. So you could imagine my surprise when I came across an Austrian deli and restaurant in Itaewon (in Seoul.) It goes by the name of "Chez Meili" after the owner and head chef, Christian Meilinger. Herr Meilinger hails from Salzburg, Austria and runs the privately owned business with his Korean wife.
My first time there was a warm afternoon with some friends. Despite the warm weather, I was ready for some heavy duty eating, knowing very well what to expect on this Austrian's menu. I opted for the rich and hearty Goulash (an Eastern European stew like dish traditionally consisting of a tomato based sauce with potatoes, carrots, onions, stewed beef and pork) with spaetzle (an egg noodle). My friends on the other hand decided to go with cold cut sandwiches made with imported salami and emmental cheese...weaklings!
On other visits, I went with the kaesespaetzle and on a separate occasion, wiener schnitzel. (Similar to the Korean donkasseu, but in my humble opinion, 100 times better!) There was also one time when Chantrelle mushrooms were in season and Meili offered a special menu that included these tasty fungi. Be on the look out for his specials including kaiserschmarrn (fig pancakes chopped up into big chunks served with a cranberry or apple compote.) DELICIOUS!
Look for Herr Meilinger's restaurant out of exit 4 of Itaewon station, just beyond Gecko's Bar and Terrace. Mahlzeit!

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