Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Friday, April 3, 2009

Baseball in Korea...

As you saw in the previous post on basketball in Korea, there is no shortage of sporting events in Korea. A favorite Korean sport is baseball. South Korea has produced many talented baseball players who have made it over to the American MLB. (Cha Seung-Baek, Kim Sun-Woo, Park Chan-Ho, and the list goes on.) It was just a matter of time before Korea decided to develop its own league known as the Korean Baseball Organization or the KBO.
The KBO's website is in Korean, but here's a breakdown of the current league teams. They hail from Seoul, Daejeon, Gwangju, Busan and Incheon. Each team has a stadium in which they play in their respective home turfs. To see the team names and stadiums, click here.
A Korean baseball game, like many other things in Korea, is quite different than what you have probably already seen in your home country. There are your standard team memorabilia, beer, snacks, souvenirs, programs, etc. There are also a couple of differences. Be sure to pick up your noise makers (two large plastic rods that you hit together.) Aside from your typical pretzel, popcorn, and nachos, there are also gimbap, dried squid and soju for purchase within and outside the confines of the stadium.
Be prepared for cheerleaders in scandalously short skirts and cute little dances to cheer on their home team players. A man with a pony keg on his back also makes his rounds to offer not so cool and refreshing beer. From my experience, Korean baseball games are much more entertaining than any MLB baseball game that I have attended. The atmosphere is VERY lively and it is a great afternoon spent with friends!
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