Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Around the world in 1 afternoon...

Have you been to Times Square, Red Square and Tiananmen Square...all in one day? Your answer was "yes"? Well how about Atlantis? Visit the real and unreal at Aiins World. It is an attraction park containing 109 infamous sites from all over the world in miniature version. It is a featured tourist attraction on the official site of Korean tourism.

Aiins World is located in Bucheon, a suburb in between Seoul and Incheon. To get there from Seoul, use the subway to get to Songnae Station (on the blue line 1) and take exit 2. Find the nearest bus stop (it is a relatively large bus stop for multiple bus lines) and hop on bus 5-2 or 90. After about 15 minutes, you should descend at the "Aiins World" bus stop. You will have to cross the street in order to access it. It's not hard to miss. If you see the Eiffel Tower, you'll know you're at the right place.

HSK took a day trip to Aiins World to have some fun and of course for research purposes first and foremost. Enjoy :D

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