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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Buddha's Birthday in Korea...

Buddha's Birthday celebration has begun as of April 24th this year. This year, the actual birthday falls on May 2nd, but the celebrations begin about a week before. Lotus lanterns are hung, parades are organized and temples are crowded as this huge celebration takes way.
One of the biggest celebrations takes place at Jogyesa temple near Jongno station. Go to Jonggak station and walk straight out of exit 1. (Another efficient station to try is Anguk from exit 6). At this time it's hard to miss the festivities. The hundreds of multi-colored lotus lanterns will guide your way.Buddhism is longstanding in Korean history. Jogyesa temple is the only standing temple within the city walls and it was built by the Jogyesa order of Buddhists in the first half of the 20th century. There are other monuments dedicated to other Buddhas behind the temple as well.
During the festival, many temples offer free food to visitors. The temples are covered in bright lotus lanterns. Many activities take place at this time as well. Ice carving, wood engraving, calligraphy; just to name a few of them.
Don't miss out on this year's celebration of Buddha's arrival!

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