Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Basketball in Korea...

Sports fans can rest easily. There is a way for you to enjoy live various sporting events in Korea. One of them being the Korea Basketball League (KBL). There are teams from Seoul, Wonju, Unsan, Daegu, Incheon, Jeonju, Anyang, and Busan who travel around Korea for games.
The KBL website offers team information including home court addresses, team rosters and schedules. There is also a brief history marking important dates in the KBL's past.
Going to a basketball game in Korea is a bit of a different experience than that in a Western country. If you are looking to spend little on tickets, expect to pay approximately 4,000 won for the "nosebleed section." In this case, be prepared to be seated in relatively small chairs with little room for legs or movement. A ticket in the sections closer to the floor are about double the price, but also offer a little more comfort. To ensure a seat of your choice, try to make it to the stadium ahead of tip off time.
There are some similarities between Korean basketball and basketball in the rest of the world. You will find cheerleaders, raving fans, concession stands, team memoribilia...the works. On the other hand, there are not many hecklers, but the occasional boo from the stands when the opposing team does well.
All in all, Korean basketball games are pretty exciting. It may not be because of the unmatched skill of the players, but the ambiance is fun and it is a relatively inexpensive way to be entertained on a weekend afternoon!

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