Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy White/Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is right around the corner and Koreans definitely do it with style! It differs a bit in Korea though. Just as in most Western countries, on February 14th, gifts are offered to significant others as a sign of affection. However, February 14th is celebrated differently in Korea and it is on this day that women give gifts (usually chocolate) to men. Convenient stores and supermarkets are stocked full of delicious Korean goodies for women to purchase and offer to their brothers, fathers, significant others, favorite male teachers, etc. Ladies, don't be deceived, your day is yet to come!

The fun doesn't stop at Valentine's Day. There's two more months to revel in your relationship or lack thereof. On March 14th, it's the men's turn! This day is known as "White Day." Boys and men alike offer gifts of jewelry, confessions of undying love, candies, toys to their female counterparts. Once again, Korea comes alive with bright colors and bon bons galore.

Finally, there's "Black Day." Maybe "Lonely Singles Day" is a better choice of words for this day. Black is the designated color for single ladies and men. On April 14th, singles all across Korea eat jajang noodles (Jajangmyeon) to wallow in self pity due to their single-ness. Or enjoy a salty, but tasty treat to celebrate their new-found independence! Either way, it gives Koreans an excuse to eat this sinfully salty dish!

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