Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

KT Internet service

Getting Internet in Korea is a major concern of many teachers. Your first few weeks here in Korea, you may have to survive without Internet connection in your apartment. In order to get Internet within your accommodation, you must have an Alien Registration Card (ARC), which can take up to 2-3 weeks after your arrival here in South Korea.

During this period, you do have options though! There's PC bang (방) everywhere, just look for the aforementioned words on signs in random bulidings. (They're usually in the first basement level of buildings all over Korea and the price ranges anywhere from 500 KRW to 2,000 KRW per hour.) Another option is trying to find a wireless connection from within your apartment. Sometimes you can get lucky and find a strong wireless signal from one of your neighbors. (Not the most reliable option, but somewhat viable considering your situation.) Finally, there's cafes EVERYWHERE in Korea. Most have some kind of Wifi connection, but I've found that the most reliable is Tom n' Tom's cafe. They have pretty affordable coffee drinks (and AWESOME pretzels) and most are 24 hours. Every Tom n' Tom's that I've visited has had a Wifi hotspot.

Once you receive your ARC, you are eligible to sign up for an Internet service in your apartment if you so desire. A major Internet service provider in Korea is KT (Korea Telecom). They are fast, reliable and very efficient. Another plus when using this service is their excellent English helpline and agents who are extremely effective when helping you set up your account. Just call this number : 82-100 or email them at to begin the process. You can also visit their site to learn more about them.

From what I've heard, most people who have set up their Internet through KT have had their Internet ready and functioning within the next 1-2 days of their initial call to the company's customer service/account set-up department. Additionally, if you have any questions or problems, service agents are equally punctual and timely in getting to your apartment to try to repair the problem. The approximate cost per month for KT's Internet service is 40,000 KRW plus a 30,000 KRW activation fee. From time to time, there are some promotions that may be available to you.

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