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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Food in Korea -- Naengmyeon

Nangmyeon (냉면) is another one of the many traditional Korean dishes that is preferred especially in the summer months among Koreans. The literal translation of naengmyeon is "cold noodles" and also fits the description of the dish itself.

There are two types of naengmyeon. First is mul naengmyeon (물냉면), which is more of a soupy consistency. Its noodles are served with a usually beef broth, boiled egg and other various vegetables. The other type is bibim naengmyeon (비빔냉면) and not a soup, but served with a chili paste sauce. (Beware...this variety is typically VERY spicy!)The main component of naengmyeon is the buckwheat noodles that are generally served in a metal bowl to preserve its chilly nature. Pear and other julienned vegetables accompany the noodles. It is not uncommon, especially in a restaurant, to receive packages/bottles of spicy mustard and/or vinegar to add to the dish before eating. Additionally, in restaurants, if you ask the waiter or waitress for some scissors, he or she will most often times be happy to oblige and may even offer to cut them for you!

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