Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

HSK outing! National Museum of Modern Art

There is currently a long-term, special exhibit at Korea's National Museum of Modern Art. We've decided to set up a little get together with current HSK-recruited teachers and anyone else who would like to join!

Artist, Ik-Joong Kang is displaying his installation called "Multiple / Dialogue." See the website below for more background information on the exhibit. Entry costs a measley 3,000 won!

After we visit the special installation, there's the permanent exhibits plus the sculpture gardens should the weather decide to cooperate. Entry to this one is FREE! (A good number, wouldn't you agree?) Again, here's some more information on it.

So, here's the skinny. Should you (and your more than welcomed friends) decide to join us, please meet at Exit 4 of "Seoul Grand Park" subway station. (Line 4, light blue) at 1 PM on Saturday August 1st, 2009. We'll hang around for about 15 minutes for the stragglers. If you're later than that, check out the contact information on our Facebook event. From Exit 4, we can take a free shuttle bus. However, if it's nice, I say we all take the 20 minute hike because of the beautiful scenery around Gwacheon Reservoir that we have to go around in order to get to the museum! We can decide one we're all there. For those of you who would like to come, but can't meet us there, here's the website's directions.

**Also, if anyone's into getting something to eat, let's meet at Sadang Station, exit 4 around 11:45 AM on Saturday. We can find something cheap like kimbap cheonguk or samgyeopsal around the area! Hope to see you all there!

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