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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Getting to know Korea : Drinking Etiquette

Drinking Etiquette

Yes, slamming the alcohol back can be a part of "business practice" here in Korea. No, it's not OK just to pour yourself shot after shot without even considering your drinking partners. Koreans have figured out drinking to an exact science and you'll see that science's results pretty regularly! (Public drunkeness is somewhat commonplace in Korea.)

Drinking among co-workers and friends is a way to grow closer to one another. It's seen the same way just as if you were to ask a new acquaintance to grab a coffee or a bite to eat. However, so not to offend any of your drinking acquaintances, it's a good idea to know the do's and don't's of drinking in Korea.

First, you'll never see a Korean drinking beer, soju, wine, alcohol in general directly from the bottle. Any alcoholic beverage will ALWAYS be served into some sort of glass or cup. We're not in college anymore, so chugging soju straight from the bottle isn't really an option, especially not in Korea. Also, expect to be asked to purchase some side dishes/bar munchies (ahn-joo i.e. noodles, crackers, etc.) You'll also most likely be served some complimentary side dishes such as fruity puffs or cardboard-flavored crunchy rings. Delicious!

The following is the etiquette for drinking with Koreans in Korea. You should never serve yourself first. Grasp the bottle/pitcher with both hands and offer to serve your compatriots first and them one of them will serve you. When being served, always grasp the glass or cup with two hands and you may opt to say "kamsahamnida" to the pourer. When you notice that someone's cup is empty, make an effort to be the first person to offer to refill that person's cup. (Never to the brim, but about 3/4 full.)When it comes to the bill, you may find that Koreans are ready to come to fisticuffs to pay. Always offer to at least pay an equally divided amount (even if you only had one glass of beer while your company may have had several.)

Following these drinking standards in Korea will assure you a pleasurable experience! :D

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