Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Friday, September 25, 2009

Out and about in Seoul--Yeouido

Yeouido is known as a very modern business district and is the home to a few attractions including the 63 Building, a water park (for those hot summer days) and the Han River park. Before the end of summer and the unpredictable fall weather approached, some friends of HSK made the trek to Yeouido to enjoy the lovely weather and a picnic. The afternoon included a potluck picnic, bike riding around Yeouido park, and a nice stroll along the banks of the Han. Enjoy the pictures!

To get to Yeouido Park, take the subway to Yeouido Station (purple line 5) and go out exit 3 towards the National Assembly, AKA the Roman style building with a big green dome.
Renting bikes at Yeouido park is pretty inexpensive. Expect to pay about 8,000 KRW for a tandem bicycle and a locker for one hour. There are bike trails that weave through the park and offer grassy knolls to pop a squat and enjoy some ice cream or just the company of your tandem bike partner.
To get to the Han River in this part of Seoul (Yeouido), take the purple line 5 to Yeouinaru Station and exit at gate 2 or 3. Directly upon exiting you will see the river!

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