Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Sunday, September 13, 2009


You'll notice upon arrival that Korea is littered with coffee shops. You may even see a Starbucks on top of a Coffee Bean or 2 Ediyas within a one block distance of each other. It's true, Koreans love their coffee and cafes are hotspots to hang out with friends, meet a significant other, or just get some blogging in (one of my personal favorite past-times.) One cafe among many chains here in Korea is Angel-in-us...because coffee is the nectar of the heavens???

Pretty much anywhere you wander, you're likely to come across an Angel-in-us. They offer the standard espresso blended beverages and teas along with cafe treats such as muffins, cakes and other various pastries. When you step into one, you'll notice its cutesy interior and angel adorned decor.
One thing you may notice about Korean cafes in general, is their lack of house-brewed coffee. On the occasion that you do find a cafe that offers brewed coffees, the pickin's are usually slim. Sometimes, the Yirgacheffe, French and Italian blends can be found in small Korean cafes that also serve alcohol.

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