Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Korean apartment part 2

In an earlier post, you read about and saw pictures of an example of a Korean apartment. Here is another example of a Korean apartment in Seoul, a little larger in size and...with a balcony! :D
It's still a studio (meaning the bed/living room/dining room/kitchen are all one), but it's a lot more spacious then the first apartment you saw. This particular studio is about 14 pyong in size (about 500 square feet or 46 square meteres.)This is a Korean balcony. It isn't open air like a balcony that you might find in western countries. They are typically a bit smaller and equipped with a drain and faucet to hook up a washing machine. They're also quite convenient as they sometimes provide a good space to hang your laundry out to dry and much more!

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