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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Classroom Ideas--Lesson Plan Template (elementary)

Below is a lesson plan template that is aimed at elementary age groups, 3rd graders more precisely. It includes goals and activities for the prepositions of location. Have fun with this lesson plan and of course, feel free to add some of your own personal flair to make it your own! It also may need to be adjusted according to the level of your students or size of your class.
It's Under the Table

Objective : Students will be able to ask and answer questions regarding the location of objects using common prepositions of location.
~ Students will be able to hear phrases containing prepositions and understand the referenced
location of objects. (Listening)
~ Ask and answer questions regarding the location of items. (Speaking)
~ Recognize, read and understand the words : box, in, on, pencil case, table, and under.
~ Write the letters : Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo in English and be able to distinguish the difference
between lower case and capital letters. (Writing)

Show the students pictures of a box, pencil case and table. Even better, have those items physically present to show the students when a pencil case is under a table or in a box. Using your props, ask the students questions of location, so that they may have initial experience using the prepositions of location in relation to the items you have in the classroom.

Communicative structures and language functions used :
Communicative structures
~ Location Question : Where is my pencil case?
~ Location Confirmation : It is under the table.
Language functions
~ Where is _____________________ ? It's ____________ _____ ___________.

Practice this question and answer set with the students aloud. You can ask them the question and they can give you the answer. Next, pair them into partners and give them the chance to ask each other using vocabulary that they already know to change the question and answer set, but to continue practicing the objective structures.
Have fun with this one! It shouldn't take up too much time, but you may be able to think of things that you can add to it in order to spice it up and give the students more exposure to these grammar ideas! Good luck! If you have any other unique ideas to add to this lesson, please let us know!

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