Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas in Korea

Christmas in a foreign country is almost guaranteed to be different than what you may be used to. While in Korea, Christmas is celebrated by some Koreans and foreigners alike, the festivities and events leading up to this huge holiday are somewhat different. However, many teachers here find ways to fight off holiday homesickness and create traditions of their own to get into that holiday spirit in their temporary home away from home.

You might notice in Korea that holiday decorations don't start coming out until when it's actually cold enough to wear a winter jacket. (Unlike some countries where once Halloween is over, the Christmas flair is flung out in full force.) Christmas cards, candies, ornaments and the whole lot can be found, if you go to the right places. For example, many drug stores (i.e. Olive Young, Watsons, etc.) and department stores (i.e. Lotte, Hyundai, etc.) have festive decor and products. Some special places, like Lotte World, for example hold holiday spectacles and Christmas-themed events.

When the 25th arrives, you may find that many stores are open. Additionally, many Western restaurants and luxury hotels, in Seoul particularly, offer special Christmas meals. Last year a group of friends and I trekked to Itaewon--a popular foreigner hangout spot--to feast an a Christmas buffet at Gecko's Terrace. We all got together prior to the meal to have some Christmas drinks and do a White Elephant gift exchange.

This year's Christmas experience was quite different. The celebration took place mainly on Christmas Eve. A few friends and I got together for pizza and soju cocktails and then made our way to the luxurious and world-renowned W Hotel to get our dance on to the beat of a couple of French DJs that just happened to be friends of ours. Stereoheroes were on the 1s and 2s until 4 AM...Christmas Day...and after that we were all done for the evening. Below are some pictures from our holiday fiesta. I would highly encourage you to visit the W Hotel's WooBar if you'd like to have a seat in the lap of luxury if not just for one night!

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