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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Natural Seoul--Seoul Forest (서울 숲)

Seoul Forest

While Seoul is one of the most architecturally modern and pleasing cities in the world, it does not lack in a multitude of parks and green spaces. Its mountainous surroundings also help create a natural ambiance among an astounding amount of skyscrapers and new buildings. One of the more well-known areas to relax and enjoy mother nature's gifts is Seoul Forest. While its title may lead one to believe that its size is quite vast in area, it is actually a large park located in the eastern part of Seoul. Seoul Forest contains plenty of paths and trails for a nice stroll, an ecological park housing several different species of animals (roe deer, elk, mallards, etc.), a cultural art park with various sculptures, an indoor botanical garden and insect house. The most aesthetically pleasing time to go is either in early fall when the leaves are turning or in the late spring when flowers are in full bloom.To get to Seoul Forest, take the subway (olive green line 7) to Ttukseom Resort Station. Exit number 8 will take you to the main entrance and one can see signs pointing you in the right direction as well as numbers indicating how far away you are from the entrance. Seoul Forest is open every day of the year 7 AM to 8 PM and entrance is free.

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