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Friday, October 16, 2009

HSK Restaurant Review--Kraze Burger

Craving a big, fat, juicy hamburger? There's lots of options in Korea outside of the standard Burger King or McDonald's. One Korean-bred spot is Kraze (pronounde krah-zay) Burger (pronounced...burger.) They can be found all over Korea and offer somewhat of a twist on your typical burger. Kraze Burger has locations centered in and around the Seoul/Gyeonggi province region and are generally found in more popular pedestrian areas where other chain restaurants can be found.

The burgers may not contain the jumbo, thick beef patties that you're accustomed to and the combination of ingredients may be somewhat strange/unheard of. I, personally, wouldn't select this burger joint if I'm craving a Western style burger, but I would encourage all of you to try it at least once in order to really live a Korean version burger experience!

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