Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

So first off I should thank everyone for coming out and making our baseball gets together such a great event! It was great to finally meet everyone. This might have been the first Korean baseball game for most of us, but I know it won’t be the last. I don’t know but something about the baseball game had so much energy. It must have been all the chants and songs during the game and the noise from smashing those thunder sticks together. I was so into it at one point I popped one of my thunder sticks and just kept on smashing! Of course we can’t forget that there are cheerleaders at the baseball game either. That was a major plus for me.

So the day started off like this. We all met at the Sports Complex station and gathered around and talked and took a few pictures and mingled.

Front row : Rebecca, Sarah Matt, and Karen

Back row : Christiaan, Hero, Katie, Masao

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From left to right : Katherine, Sau, Chao, Ryan, Katelyn, Nigel, Lindsay, Tannis

Awesome smile girls!

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Beautiful Laeli, Warren, Vanessa Ms Gomez in the middle and her gang.

Don’t mess with Chungcheon hahah
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There will be more pictures to come. Sorry for the delay. So here we handed out name tags, and handed out some Korean snacks and fruit box for everyone to try. In Korea we eat squid and peanuts, instead of the regular peanuts and cracker jacks like back home.

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I remember the games back home there are so many places to eat inside the stadium, but in Korea all the food vendors are outside the stadium. You can find anything from dried squid to Kentucky Fried Chicken, or Burger King. So we finally made our way into the stadium at around 4:30 and here we are finding our seats.

After finding out seats some people ventured out to find the thunder sticks, and some people went looking for souvenirs while other people went venturing for the obvious beers and snacks.

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So here the start of the game.

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We were seated in the LG Twins section which is why everyone is holding the red thunder sticks.

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Awesome smile guys!

Ok so it looks like we needed to learn the chants and songs before we really get into it. Below is the picture where the real fun begins. Cheerleaders showing up, and the songs and cheers for each individual player. No one knew what they were doing but that was the whole fun of it. Just yelling and screaming and following the people around us. I will post more pictures up later. This is just the beginning.

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Both Ryans look so happy here. What picture was it that made you this happy Ryan Abella? Also next time try to get us killed by screaming go Doosan Bears while we were seated next to hundreds of LG fanatics. HAhah just kidding I got your back!

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The cheerleaders. Need I say more? I love Korea!

Well that’s it for now. I will add more photos in a little bit. Again I wanted to thank everyone for making this such a great night, and I hope to see you all at our next event.


HandS Korea Team.

Good times! Hope to see you all at the next event.

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