Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hello Hands Koreans,

We hope you are having a wonderful week! If you do not have plans this weekend, we recommend two trips that are held by two different travel groups. (Note: Hands Korea is not affiliated with any travel groups.)

Jebibong Hike & Ferry riding trip in Fall (Saturday, 10/30/10)
Please call Kim for more information: 010-3791-9813.
Trip Cost: 30,000 won.
Includes: Round-trip chartered bus and Ferry ticket.

Magoksa Temple Stay and Light Hiking (Saturday-Sunday, 10/30-31/2010)!/event.php?eid=158393934185074&index=1
Please contact William Cho for more information:
Trip Cost: 93,000 won.
Includes:Round Trip Charter Bus (you can leave your things here), Temple Stay Program, All Entrance Fees, All Meals (Lunch, Dinner, Breakfast, Lunch), and Travel Insurance

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