Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Sunday, March 28, 2010

HSK Outing Announcement

Hello everyone! The weather is getting nicer and things are busy as usual at the HSK office. We've finally had the time to organize an HSK teacher gathering.

We plan on meeting at Samsung station (green line 2) in between exits 5 and 6, right in front of the entrance to COEX mall at 11:45 AM this Saturday April 3rd. You're all invited and you can bring some friends if you so desire! We'll meet at COEX to grab a bite to eat in the COEX food court. Then we'll head by foot to Bongeunsa (a Buddhist temple) to do a free English guided tour around 1:30 PM.

Bongeunsa is a temple of the Jogye order founded in the year 794. It is truly a site to see as it is nestled in between the modern architecture of Samseong-dong in Gangnam-gu. This mix of old and new is a paradigm of Korea's modern culture intertwined with its traditional customs. Within the confines of Bongeunsa are various temples and places for worship. There are also a couple of places for mediation and taking tea. For more information on Bongeunsa, visit their website.

Come join us this Saturday to see a part of Korea's ancient past and have the opportunity to meet members of the HSK team and other teachers recruited by us. Please RSVP on Facebook, so we have an idea of how many people to expect and to let the tourist center at Bongeunsa know if we'll have a large group! We hope to see you there!

HSK Bongeunsa Tour Facebook event page.

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