Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Monday, August 3, 2009

HSK Outing! Seoul Grand Park Zoo in Gwacheon

Seoul Grand Park is a complex with a few various options for entertainment. HSK and friends saw the National Museum of Contemporary Art last weekend. This weekend is the Seoul Grand Park Zoo!

This particular zoo is the 10th largest zoo in the world and is located just south of Seoul in a suburb called Gwacheon. It also has bragging rights of being South Korea's largest zoo. There are also botanical gardens nearby (as well as Seoul Land amusement park not far from the zoo and found within the same complex). There are trams and a chair lift to help get around the place to see the 300 species from around the globe.

HandS Korea and friends (you're all invited along with you friends...the more the merrier) will visit the zoo and botanical gardens this Saturday August 8th, 2009. Plan on meeting at Seoul Grand Park subway station (line 4, light blue line) at exit 2 at 12:45 PM. Weather permitting, we'll go by foot for a 10 minute walk to the zoo. We'll also explore the botanical gardens if it's not raining. Entrance is 3,000 won for adults. The rose garden entry fee is 2,000 won. Rides on the "elephant" train are 800 won and chair lift is priced at 4,500 won.

We'll wait for 15 minutes (until 1 PM) before we head out. Late comers, please see our Facebook event or email me (Rebecca) to find out my cell phone number. (Call me if you're late and I'll get you to where we are!) Hope to see you all there! :D

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