Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Saturday, June 27, 2009

An English Education City in Korea!

Did you know that there is a phenomenon involving wild geese from Korea coming to the USA (and other countries where English is the native language) to improve upon their English language abilities?

Okay, Okay, so it's not ACTUALLY wild geese flying with their own wings coming to terrorize and his at native English speakers in order to scare the living daylights out of unsuspecting Anglophones and gain knowledge of the English language. Kind of sounds like an alien invasion when you put it like that. It's actually Korean mothers and children who are sent to America, still with the ultimate goal of becoming the best English speakers they can, while the father stays in Korea to work as much as he can to support his family abroad.

There recently was an article on regarding a new English education city on Jeju Island. There have been other "English/International cities" opened in Korea, but this one has gained international media attention. The goal was to create a place that offered quality and immersive English education to Koreans in order to make this "wild geese" phenomenon obsolete. The idea of the city is to create a city in which almost all schools are taught in only English. This would ideally help students to learn English by being immersed, but without having to leave the country. The allure in this is that parents want their children to have a solid English education, but feel the best way to do it, is to send them to an English only location. Now, they won't have to spend as much and be separated from their families by a major body of water!

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