Providing you with information on living/teaching in Korea, news from the ROK, and HSK events. Enjoy! ~The HSK team

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Going to Guam...

On occasion, a teacher will be asked to come directly to Korea before obtaining his or her E2 visa. (The standard visa for foreign English teachers.) How is this possible? Well, for Americans, it is the easiest and quickest way to come to Korea without having to wait for your visa to be processed at a Korean consulate in the USA. Schools who need teachers urgently tend to go through this process.

As Guam is an American territory, Americans have the right to go there in order to get their E2 visas at this Korean consulate. You will still need to get all the necessary documents prepared before you leave, but everything else is taken care of by us at HandS Korea and the school for which you will be working. Below is an outline of the process :

1. Prepare all your documents prior to leaving the USA.

2. Get're coming to Korea!

3. Arrive in Korea and be taken to your accommodation in Korea.

4. Plan on staying in Korea approximately one week before your departure to Guam.

5. Fly to Guam for 2 days and 1 night in order to receiver your E2 visa.

Concerning the financial aspect should this situation arise, there is no need to worry! The school and HandS Korea will take care of everything. From your flight, hotel, and meal costs; everything will be provided!

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