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Monday, October 31, 2011

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American style breakfast

Ok so the one thing I miss most about home other then family and friends has to be the food. For 10 months I had this craving I just could not fill. I tried eating everything burgers, pizza, steaks, the works, but there was still something missing. I didn’t realize what I was missing until my friend took me to a place called Butterfinger Pancakes in located in Apkujeong in Seoul. I didn’t really know what to expect but I figured it was a breakfast joint just by the name of the restaurant. We get there at about 3pm on a Sunday afternoon. The place is packed and there is a waiting list. We are put on the waiting list and is told the wait is about 30 mins. 30 mins passes and we are finally able to sit. The menu is huge and they have a lot of cool names for the menu items. Of course they have the basics such as pancakes and omelets and so forth, but they also have a bunch of other great breakfast items. You just need to go there for yourself and check it out. Everything here is done big from the menu to the salads. I have been going there almost every Sunday for the past few months and love everything I have tried. Your looking to spend at least 10,000 won for a dish but trust me it is all well worth it. Back to my craving. So the first thing I order is of course the traditional American style breakfast sausage, eggs, toast etc. It was good, not the best to be honest but it filled that hunger crave that I had, and I realized that breakfast food was what I was craving. I had to go again and try something else, so I got the omelet that had everything in there. Its called the Big Fat Jays Special. The great thing about this breakfast joint is that it really has that authentic American taste and is not Koreanized at all. Anyways below are some mouthwatering pictures. You just have to go taste for yourself, and I am sure you will not regret it. Enjoy!

For pictures of the menu check out this link http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=eatndrink&logNo=150051728957&parentCategoryNo=7&viewDate=&currentPage=1&listtype=0

The gateway to Heaven.

Don't know the name to this dish, but does something this good really need a name?

Plain good ol sausage links with maple syrup

Dxie fried chicken strip platter

This is the salad I was talking about. You cant really get a feel of the size by the picture. But on the left hand side those are orange slices. Trust me this is huge!

So here is the map to the stairway to Heaven. Sorry this is the only map I could find online. Feel free to google Butterfinger Pancakes in Seoul, or give them a call at 02-3448-1070.